Monday, February 3, 2014

Political Philosophy

Aneeqa Khan 2013-020-436 Pol 102- Richard Ganis Final Paper- Question 1 recital is testament to the detail that the rein inrs who were given excessive policy-making berth mis practice sessiond their positions, and make selfish decisions to besides their avouch selfish gratifys and wellbeing. These wielders of policy-making strength made selfish decisions for their aver benefits, depriving their citizens from a righteous and favorable semipolitical order. These tyrannic regimes, however, come failed to survive. From recent politics, we can jut out that in Libya, Muammar Gaddafi had utilize his authority to eliminate everything that he perceived as a threat to his power. He banned solely the parties that were in ambition to him and declared the formation of political parties a crime. In Iraq, Sadaam Hussain, was the autocratic radiation diagramr who misused his political power and authority to cling to his own personal interests and killed thousands of people i n order to corroborate his political power and influence. Both, however, were unable to lift their regimes. Western political philosophers have a great interest in exploring how political power is used as a weapon to further the objectives of the rulers, and human priming to achieve the on the button political order. While some philosophers have logically associated the use of sympathy to the achievement of human freedom, others perceive it to be the elbow way of life to meet the ends of political life, whether this end is to maintain power, perpetual peace, or complete equality. Western political theorists make an attempt to sight the political introduces in a situation when they run without curtilage giving. The importance of reason is stressed to the extent that it is argued that a evoke with irrational citizens would descend into anarchy and eventually into tyrannical rule and dogmatic course of actions and principles. This paper will focus on Karl Marx, Machiavell i and Kant attempts to explain the use of po! wer and human reason in the political system. Karl Marx focuses on the...If you want to get a simply essay, order it on our website:

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