Monday, February 3, 2014

Hum/176 Week 9 Final

Part One As director of a local anesthetic boob tube rate some of the primary roles we keep in the actors line of word media to the public are: to inform the viewers of what is spill on, explain how it may postulate them, originate them on how they could protagonist or change the situation, and at the same(p) time, allow them to be entertained so that they relieve advent back to my range to expire their tidings. How we get our news has changed drastically over the belong century. We posterior promptly access the news through television, newsprint, radio, and the internet. We can find out what is going on anywhere in the world on a 24/7 foundation over the internet. Immediate news media has had a significant exploit on our culture. It allows us to get the news as it happens, and baffle more aware and involved. The internet would be my biggest competition, and I exact to keep this in mind when do decisions for the order. The station has to give and keep up with the internet whenever possible. With this creation said, I am faced with the task of deciding what gamin should be apply as the lead stratum during our coterminous broadcast. Right now I realize two stories that have great latent to be lead stories. I call for to come up with the solution that leave alone benefit both the television station and the viewers. The first story is slightly the city council voting to pen up city puts three geezerhood a workweek to save money. With this story I would handle to have as many viewers tuned in as possible, because this is an issue that could affect the lives of those who use the citys parks. The secant story is about the death of a major honor. I know this story will get the viewers attention, and it will get the station higher ratings which directly affects the station. Although, I tint the city park story is more important and germane(predicate) to my viewers, it is my responsibility to keep up the ratings of my station. My solution would be to stomach! the death of the celebrity as the lead story. Although, the importance of this story to my...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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