Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Working of Set

Assume that a customer has a SET-enabled web web browser much(prenominal) as Netscape or Microsofts Internet Explorer and that the transaction provider ( depository financial institution, store, etc.) has a SET-enabled server. The customer opens a Master government note or Visa brink account. Any issuer of a credit card is nearly soma of slang. The customer overhears a digital award. This electronic file functions as a credit card for online purchases or other transactions. It includes a ordinary key with an expiration date. It has been digitally signed by the bank to ensure its validity. Third-party merchandisers also receive suretys from the bank. These certificates include the merchants world key and the banks public key. The customer places an sound out over a Web page, by phone, or some other means. The customers browser receives and confirms from the merchants certificate that the merchant is valid. The brows er sends the purchase order instruction. This subject is encrypted with the merchants public key, the payment information, which is encrypted with the banks public key (which cant be read by the merchant), and information that ensures the payment can further be utilize with this particular order. The merchant verifies the customer by checking the digital jot on the customers certificate. This may be do by referring the certificate to the bank or to a third-party verifier. The merchant sends the order message along to the bank. This includes the banks public key, the customers payment information (which the merchant cant decode), and the merchants certificate. The bank verifies the merchant and the message. The bank uses the digital sense of touch on the certificate with the message and verifies the payment part of the message. The bank digitally signs and sends self-confidence to the merchant, who can then fill the order.If you need to get a full essay, order it on our website! :

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