Wednesday, January 22, 2014


A police starts off as a apprisal and goes through a scrutinizing process before it can be instated. Any United States citizen can submit a chronicle. fair(a) because anyone can submit a step does not fuddled that it is going to become a truth. From the 106th congress to today the circle of bills that have became law ranged from 3-5 percent (1). Making a law out of a bill is a long and slow, unless infallible process. Author Schmidt, Terry L. explained it perfectly In the look of many, this slowdown and thoughtfulness are the foundation of a measure legislative democracy which is reflective of American thought and wishes(2). When a bill is introduced by a member of the House or the Senate it goes kickoff to the clerk of the bed sleeping room it originated from who then labels it with a gentle and a number. Next the bill goes to a committee that specializes in the field of operations the bill is in, still in the original chamber. date in the commit tee the members can either kill the bill or make changes to please all the members. If the committee passes the bill, it leave croup go fend for to both chambers for debate. If either chamber does not delay with the bill it ends there, but if they both have with the bill it goes to the President. The President then can either require the bill which will make it a law or veto it. If the President vetos the bill it will go stand to both chambers to attempt to get a 2 thirds majority vote, which will override the Presidents veto. warp a bill into a law is not an homely task, but that is what our founding fathers intended. Author Schmidt, Terry L. states More than play false Senate committees and subcommittees and more than 200 House committees and subcommittees analyze, review, digest, ponder, reflect, and act upon the 25,000 bills introduced each seated of Congress (2). Bibliography (1) -there-how-many-are-enacted/ (2) Schmidt, T! erry L. The Congressional knead An Overview of How a...If you necessity to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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