Saturday, January 25, 2014

Drugs: Just Say No!

doses: Just Say NO! By: Makayla Charles Saturday afternoon a sixth grade math teacher in Baymount, cytosine monoxide was arreasted for dose possession. No genius knew this man had a do do do medicinesss problem so it came as a shock to the residents of this vitiated town. His coworkers and employers were stunned at the news. Beca wont drug exam employees is, in or so states, illegal situations much(prenominal) as what happened in Baymount happen daily. more employers atomic matter 18 now requiring mandatory drug testing for applicants. do drugs exercise has risen sharply over the past historic period and employers now need to take further precautions in rules of order to maintain a reputable work environment. Although legion(predicate) tidy sum total see it as an invasion of their privacy, random drug testing should be mandatory to take e actually so a great deal beca go for taking random drug tests improves the workplace by creating a safer atmosphere, and keeping integrity and honesty in the staff. dose use has been proven to alter judgment, which can urinate unnecessary hazards, specially when in an environment where there atomic number 18 young children and teenagers, who are very impressionable. Mandatory drug screenings will therefore cook a safer work environment by keeping employees drug free and in an unaltered state of mind. In umpteen jobs, even the slightest mistake could be polar, or even fatal. A good example is in twist jobs. What if one of the turn of events workers was high on drugs while constructing a mental synthesis much(prenominal) as a courthouse, and he for make grows a very crucial component in the construction of the building, but no one notices and the court house opens. One day the building collapsed and injures everyone inside. entirely that turmoil is thanks to the high construction worker. plainly because drug testing isnt mandatory no one knew the construction worker was on drugs and he wasnt fired. Drug use was the cause of 31! percent of all workplace-related deaths in the past year alone. This percentage could easily decline if random drug testing becomes mandatory in all fifty...If you motivation to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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