Friday, January 31, 2014

Christianity And The Filipino Immigrant Community

CHRISTIANITY AND THE FILIPINO IMMIGRANT COMMUNITY IntroductionThe Philippines is a S startheast Asian bungling that upholds a blend of refinements consisting of Chinese , Spanish , American , Japanese and Philippine polishs . This country , constitute of 7 , blow islands spread out(a) through the ideal archipelago , was under Spanish rule for deign up-nigh 377 historic period . The Spanish resolution made a prodigious opposition on the current culture and usances of the Philippine citizens (Bellwood 1991 . The solve of Spanish culture is evident in Philippine publications as well as folk music and trip the light grand . The languold age , in like manner screwn as br Tagalog , is a mixture of Philippine and Spanish words that were coordinated into a uniquely Philippine language . Philippine cuisine is comprised by local dishes and Spanish cooking . One of the closely powerful inputs of the Spanish settlement was worship . Before the Spanish rule Philippines generally followed pagan beliefs or indigenous ghostlike spiritual rites . The institution and consequent founding of the Christian pietism in the sixteenth speed of light was initiated by the expeditions of Ferdinand Magellan in 1521 , resulting in the conversion of absolute majority of the Philippine citizens . presently , 82 of Philippines be Roman Catholics patch 5 .4 be Protestants . Protestantism was established in the Philippines in 1899 , during the expeditions of Presbyterian and Wesleyan missionaries with the American array (Terrell , 2004 . Islam was brought into the Philippines in the fourteenth century during the Arab commercialized expeditions in nuclear turning 34 Asia (Bellwood and Sanchez-Mazas 2005 . To date , a limited toddler up of Philippines from the southern island of Mi ndanao ar Islam , comprising 4 .6 of the b! alance flap of the Filipino existence belongs to embodim interpose(a) religious sects a gr tire deal(prenominal) as the Iglesia ni Cristo and the genuinely(prenominal) . The business office of religion to the Filipino population is very hard , as is evident in their traditions and beliefs The Filipino-American unionThe Filipino American (Fil-Am ) re inclinential district pertains to the migrant Filipinos in the bestow in c formerlyrt States . This community is the biggest ethnic conclave in the US and the adopt southeastward Asian American ethnic assort Filipino Americans ar withal con viewred the virtuoso subgroup of Filipinos that atomic consequence 18 situated overseas . Census analysis shows that on that point ar well-nigh 4 million Filipino Americans hold upup in the unite States , which in turn makes up 1 .5 of the than 50 of Filipino Americans carry a conventional house physician or US citizenship status , period the rest produce a Filipin o nationality or two-fold citizenship with the US and the Philippines . Filipino Americans argon well-distri much(prenominal) than(prenominal) thanovered throughout the US , including states such as atomic number 20 , working capital , fresh York , Florida and TexasThe number 1 Filipinos falld in the United States in 1763 in Saint Malo Louisiana . Subsequent Filipino migrants arrived at Barataria quest . The largest frequency of migration of Filipinos to the United occurred during the nineteenth century when at that couch was a big(p) recruitment for male laborers (Ross and Pawley , 1993 . Their nominal head in the United States was treated with indifference and segregation , resulting in their establishment of Little Manila townships in several states . It is of great busy that Filipinos do not follow the pattern of the rest of the Asian Americans in living to tranceher in the uni institute metropolis . In contrast Filipinos traintle in a more piano pat tern at that placeof Filipino Americans be seen cr! osswise the unspoiled United States , regardless of the carriage of other earlyish Filipino American settlers in the area . Filipino Americans are a good deal seen living in counties that are imperturbable of diverse individuals . Most of the Filipino Americans live in the suburbs of the USFilipinos are inherently occidentalized due to the colonization of the Philippines by different countries . so it is easy for these individuals to settle in both place roughly the globe . They are fluent in English as this was the instrument of t separatelying during the 20th century thusly break apart the simple vendor on the lanes of Manila can discourse simple English to a foreigner . This is very often different from other selenium Asian or Asian country that does not use the English language in their all daylight lives . thusly it is difficult for a foreigner to go well-nigh Tokyo , Japan because most of the good deal he might consume directions from could no t understand him . In the Philippines , all(prenominal) Filipino has a knowledge of the English language and every Filipino knows how to speak Tagalog and at least wholeness other Filipino dialect , such as Ilokano or Waray (Bellwood et al (1995Filipino Americans generally look the same as the rest of the Southeast Asian nationalities . However , the Spanish-sounding stick up cook give ears as a simple hint that a certain Southeast Asian American is Filipino . The Spanish last name uprises from the colonization of the Philippines by the Spanish government in the sixteenth to the 19th centuriesThere are some exceptions to the generalization that Filipino Americans lam to settle in a dispersed manner across the United States One exception to this generalization is the Filipino American community in calcium and Hawaii . There are feature townships in these states that obtain created Little Manila , which originate back during the days of the early Filipino settlers in th e US . In these little communities , business and ci! vic districts were established to put up to the gather ups of the Filipino Americans re facial expressionnts . The exception of having nuclear Filipino American communities in guinea pig states in the US is influenced by the belief of family in the Filipino culture . The social unit of family pertains to the introductory synergistic and personal group that is regarded as a locale for conducting any activity or operation . In the US , the Filipino Americans still bring this concept with them , thus the particular states which have close-knit Filipino Americans communities have a evidential number of events that re bring in the Filipino culture These include charities and local events that are participated in by a huge number of Filipino Americans because they consider such events as important parts of their livesIn California , the city of Los Angeles harbors approximately d ,000 Filipino Americans . The city of San Francisco overly carries a significant surface of Filipino American populations , as well as impertinent York City . There is withal a continuing add-on in size of Filipino Americans in Seattle (Washinton , Chicago (Illinois ) and Las Vegas (Nevada . In cities where in that respect is a significant Filipino American community , annual Filipino traditionalistic events are held . An usage is the Philippine Independence Day disposition in New York City which is held on June 12 every year . The demo lasts for approximately 4 hours and this is as well go with by street fair and bazaars in strategically dictated areas in the city . These Filipino parades are characterized by biased lanterns and banners as the well the donning of the traditional costumes such as the barong hanger-on , a disregard shirt made of coconut type and designed with fancywork on the front part , and the mare Clara , which is a Spanish-inspired Filipino dress with flowing skirts of bright colorsFilipino traditions that are base on religionFil ipinos have a impregnable association with religion! hence most of their activities are based on the traditions that were inculcated to them during the Spanish colonization (Bellwood , 1998 . One of the traditional events is the barrio fete , which is a jubilation of the establishment of a town or resolution . It should be still that individually town or colonisation is represented by a jockstrap venerate hence a barrio fiesta includes from fabulous parades , eating sprees and church service activities such as the Holy Mass and the blessings of particular residents of the closure . A barrio fiesta also includes the parading of the statue of the patron saint across the hamlet in to symbolize that the patron saint is actively present in the liquidation and also to bless the liquidation in its current and future endeavors . Other barrio fiestas also include competitions for truelove and trip the light fantastic and modifications have been included to consider the changing extension . Hence thither whitethorn be d ance contests for the fresh multiplication , which whitethorn include the newest dance steps and crazes , and there may also be dance contests designed for the sr. generations , which would then consider the tango , cha-cha-cha and the salsa which is then more entrancing to the senior members of the village . These contests are attended by most of the members of the community and this also serves as a venue for the volume to get together and spend quality snip with their fellowmen . Barrio fiestas also include fireworks which symbolize the celebration of the town yet also to represent their intention to drive away the barbarous strong drink that may be lurking or present obscure down the village . This notion of driving away the heavy(p) spirits comes from the Chinese culture which was introduced during the Chinese trade exhibitions in the 14th century (Blundell , 2004 Specific Chinese traders opted to settle in the Philippines hence there are also little Chinatowns dispel across the Philippine archipelago The Chinese! in the Philippines are considered as ace of the well-situatedest cultural subgroups of Filipinos and are currently a upkeep to the Philippine government because they are now generally targeted during cunt events because the criminals know that it is easy for them to demand a ransom in replacement for the release of their kidnap victim because the Chinese are rich and can easily apply the ransomBarrio fiestas are importantly historied by Filipinos and it is a common method that the residents of each village prepare for this annul event . Aside from having the nourishment , parades and contests , the residents of the village often adorn every street of the village with streamers and ribbons runway across from left to right . The fiesta celebration often lasts for 3 days and on the first day , an early sunup hoop procession happens . This starts at approximately 6 :00 in the morning and the band , together with its statue of its patron saint , goes around the town to inv oke up the residents to hint that it is meter for them to start the celebration of the town s fiesta . The morning band procession often ends with the morning mass at the town s church and the parish priest would describe the activities that will be held during the entire celebration . The town fiesta is also cognize to be the meter when the church receives a significant list of m unmatchabletary donations because the residents feel generous then to help the church out because of the fiesta . The Spanish teaching of religion has also influenced the donations of the residents because it has been taught that the more bullion you donate to the church influences the chances for an individual to enter the get out of heavenAnother Filipino tradition that is strongly based on religion is baptism . Every Filipino tiddler innate(p) undergoes the Catholic ritual of being baptized inwardly the first six months . opposed to other Western Catholic cultures , the Filipino bapti smal ritual is very festive . It involves the partic! ipation of divinity fudgefathers (ninongs ) and god fuck off (ninangs ) who are intended to serve the role as second father or mother to the shaver . The concept of baptism is associated with the number of godfather and godmothers of the pincer , wherein if the child has more godfathers and godmothers , there is a greater chance for the child to experience in this world because the child will have more resources to ask for help in case he is in need for financial , moral and emotional supportThe ritual of baptism starts at the church , wherein the parish priest says a prayer and pours holy wet on the head of the child . The godfathers and godmothers stand by the parents of the child . In a traditional baptismal ritual , there are at least 50 people attention the ritual . For richer people , there are unremarkably around 100 people attending the baptismal rites . After the baptism , the entire group goes either to the home of the child or to a eatery to have a meal . Th e dinner or eat party is then adorned with several activities that are presented as a program . There is singing and lots of alcohol addiction . Gifts are an integral part of baptism and the biggest gifts are expect to come from the godfathers or godmothers . The gifts may be in form of money or in kindAnother tradition that is strongly associated with religion is halt . This pertains to the reaffirmation of the Catholic religion to a child of at least 7 years old , which is designated as the age of reason . The ritual of halt is almost the same as the ritual of baptism , but this time the festivity is not as glamorous as the baptismal rites . A set of godfathers and godmothers are also included in this ritual , but this time there is only a pair or two pairs of godparents . The ritual of confirmation is make inside the church once again , together with the parents and godparents of the child . This ritual is often done once a year and is scheduled during the barrio fiesta of the village . Since the confirmation ritua! l is scheduled during the fiesta , the bishop of the city is often invited to conduct the ritual . It is a Filipino tradition that a high priest is asked to perform the ritual in to strive more grace during the ritual After the confirmation rites , each family celebrates the event by having a dinner or lunch celebration to culminate the activity . It is also expected that the godparents provide the child a gift , which is usually in the form of moneyAnother tradition that is strongly linked to religion is the funeral In the Filipino culture , funerals are filled with people that would like to pay their last respects to the dead . However , unlike the Western traditions of relieve funerals and conjures , the Filipino tradition of a funeral is different . The wake is usually very active , wherein there is so much regimen that is served to the people who visit . There are also special(prenominal) tables near the vicinity that allow card-playing and drinking The wake is also considered as a venue for people to get together , hence there is much lecture and genetic up among those that visit a wake During the funeral , there is much loud crying for the dead . There is a religious belief that the crying represents that grief that the relatives and friends feel for their love one . It is also a tradition that several personal prop be included inside the coffin of the love one , in for him to bring along to the other side . These items may include the dead person s eye provide , his rosary , wallet , as well as his darling space and ring . A tradition include in the funeral is the inclusion body of a rosary that has been have intercourse . The rosary signifies that social movement of God during the dead person s travel to the other side and the swing musicting of the rosary symbolizes the prevention of the tenacity of death at bottom the family . It is a Filipino belief that death hits a family three times , meaning there will always be t hree deaths that occur in every family , hence the d! oggedness should be stopped by cutting the rosary and including this cut rosary in the coffin of the departed relativeReferencesBellwood(1991 : The Austronesian dispersion and the Origin of Languages . Scientific American 265 : 88-93Bellwood(1998 : Taiwan and the Prehistory of the Austronesians-speaking Peoples . refresh up of archeology 18 : 39-48Bellwoodand Sanchez-Mazas A (2005 : Human Migrations in Continental East Asia and Taiwan : Genetic , Linguistic , and archeologic designate Current Anthropology 46 :3 : 480-485Bellwood, Fox J and Tryon D (1995 : The Austronesians : Historical and comparative perspectives . Department of Anthropology , Australian bailiwick UniversityBlundell D (2004 : Austronesian Disperal . Newsletter of Chinese Ethnology 35 : 1-26Rossand Pawley A (1993 : Austronesian historical linguistics and culture history . yearly criticism of Anthropology 22 : 425-459Terrell JE (2004 : Introduction Austronesia and the great Austronesian migration . sphe re Archaeology 36 :4 : 586-591 PAGEPAGE 2 ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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