Monday, December 30, 2013

The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All

In the article entitled ?The Uses of Poverty: The Poor lucre All,? sociologist Herbert J. Gans discusses the gothic alliance between the poor and the wealthy in American conjunction. He states that the underprivileged in essence pick up kept several(prenominal)(prenominal) vocations in instauration such as friendly work, criminology, and journalism. These vocations serve the double pretense of emboldening the less fortunate and control parliamentary law from these same individuals. He compares his analogy with that of Richard K. Merton. ?Robert K. Merton applied the guess of the functional analysis to explain the continuing though maligned foundation of the urban political machine: if it continues to exist, perhaps it fulfilled possible ? unintended or unrecognized ? positive function? (Gans 1). Mr. Merton?s reasoning was that the political machine continued to exist beca ingestion it served several positive functions in conjunction. Mr. Gans applies this same logic to the existence of meagreness in a society that had so much echt wealth and concluded that poverty had 13 functions in society that was beneficial to non-poor members. ?Merton defined functions as ?those observed consequences [of a phenomenon] which give for the adaptation or adjustment of a given [ social] ashes? (Gans 1). though Gans and Marton have similar ideas about poverty their ideas in handle manner differ in how they view functions.
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?I shall use a slightly different definition; instead of identifying functions for an inviolate social schema, I shall identify them for the interest groups, socio-economic classes, and other universe of discourse aggregates with dual-lane values that ?inhabit? a social system? (Gan! s 1). These functions embarrass: making sure that the menial work tasks of society forget be taken care of, the creation of jobs that appropriate aid for the poor, and the existence of the poor keeps the aristocracy busy with large-hearted works, therefrom demonstrating charity to the less fortunate... If you want to get a in full essay, order it on our website:

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